Dagnė Beržaitė

Associate Professor of Russian Literature at Vilnius University.

Her current research interests include History of Russian Literature, Classical Russian novel, Russian Literary Criticism and novels of F. Dostoevsky, I. Turgenev  and L. Tolstoy, Russian Classicall Poetry, problems of literary translation, as well as gender and representations of women in Classical Russian Literaure. She has published articles and books on Russian Literature of the 19th Century. She is the Supervisor of one  doctoral dissertation New Economic Criticism: Dostovesky‘s case (defended 30 09 2020).

Dagnė had published this article:

Dagnė Beržaitė. (2023). Проблема представления материнства в русской литературе XIX века [Towards the Problem of Motherhood in Russian Literature of the 19th Century]. Slavvaria, 1/2022(1/2022), 85–92. https://doi.org/10.15170/SV.1/2022.85