
New article by Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed

Check out the new article by the MotherNet member Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed (it’s open access too!)

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Presentation on Experiences of Bilingual Mothers

Our project colleagues Inga Hilbig and Vitalija Kazlauskienė had a poster presentation in “Bilingualism Matters” Research Symposium.

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New MotherNet Newsletter

Find out more about MotherNet activities and news on our Newsletters

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Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed has been elected to the Young Academy of Sweden

MotherNet member Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed has been elected to the Young Academy of Sweden among eight top researchers from different disciplines. Congratulations!

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Researching Motherhood: Sneak Peek at Horizon-2020 MotherNet Activities

Let’s have a little sneak peek behind the scenes of the Horizon 2020 networking project MotherNet. What sort of activities do participants engage in? What benefits do they bring? What are their uses?

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Navigating Motherhood during Coronavirus

The encounters with motherhood that have come to the fore during the current global pandemic stand in stark contrast to the idealizing and prescriptive maternal narratives promulgated by twenty-first culture with which we are more familiar.

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New article by Julie Rodgers

Check out the new article by the MotherNet member Julie Rodgers on Leïla Slimani’s Chancon Douce (Lullaby).

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Lectures in motherhood and fatherhood begin

Today is the first lecture of Contemporary Motherhood/Fatherhood Module for Vilnius University students. YES, this initiative emerged as a result of the MotherNet project and NO, we won’t be teaching students about being good parents :-).

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Articles by Julie Rodgers

Collection of articles “The Truth about (M)otherhood: Choosing to be Childfree” co-edited by a MotherNet member, Julie Rodgers, provides readers with a wider span of reproductive choices than most readers are accustomed, specifically childfree-by-choice.

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