
New publication by Maria Sebastià Sáez

Check out the new edited chapter by MotherNet member Maria Sebastià Sáez in monograph ‘L’Orient a la tradició literària grecollatina i la seua recepció’!

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Trečioji MotherNet tinklalaidė

Kviečiame klausytis trečiosios MotherNet tinklalaidės, kurioje projekto narė profesorė Meilutė Ramonienė pristato savo tyrimą.

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Antroji MotherNet tinklalaidė

Kviečiame klausytis antrosios MotherNet tinklalaidės, kurioje projekto narė dokt. Ieva Balčiūnė pristato savo tyrimą.

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New MotherNet Newsletter!

The first year of the MotherNet project is almost over! Find out more about MotherNet activities and news in year 2021.

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2021 MotherNet Early Stage Researchers Forum reflections

In 2021 four workshops for Early Stage Researchers (ESR) were arranged within the MotherNet project. The content of the workshops was oriented towards broader issues such as the research field Motherhood studies, and more specific questions that concern the professional life of the PhD student.

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Reflections after discussion “How to Complete the Puzzle: Motherhood, Migration, Career”

Reflections of Eglė kačkutė after the discussion “How to Complete the Puzzle: Motherhood, Migration, Career”

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Perspectives on pregnancy and motherhood in literature, art, philosophy, and medicine: discussion reflection

On November 26th our colleagues from UppsalaUniversity had a discussion “Perspectives on pregnancy and motherhood”. Researchers Jonna Bornemark (Philosophy), Ylva Hillström (Art History), and the poet Helena Granström joined in for a conversation on the topic.

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Pirmoji MotherNet tinklalaidė

Kviečiame klausytis pirmosios tinklalaidės motinystės tyrimų tema.

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New article by Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed

Check out the new article by the MotherNet member Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed (it’s open access too!)

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Presentation on Experiences of Bilingual Mothers

Our project colleagues Inga Hilbig and Vitalija Kazlauskienė had a poster presentation in “Bilingualism Matters” Research Symposium.

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