
New MotherNet Newsletter is ready!

Find out more about MotherNet activities and news on our latest Newsletter!

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The recording of Jenny Björklund’s public lecture ‘Runaway Moms: Mothers Who Leave their Families in the Twenty-First Century’ is now available!

What does it mean that so many mothers leave their families in twenty-first-century Swedish literature? The lecture takes its point of departure in this question and explores how novels about mothers who leave can be understood as queer resistance against Swedish-branded ideals of parenthood, family, and reproduction. The recording of the lecture by Jenny Björklund is now available!

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2022 MotherNet Early Stage Researchers Forum review

In 2022 four workshops for Early Stage Researchers (ESR) were arranged within the MotherNet project. The content of the workshops was oriented towards broader issues such as the research field Motherhood studies, and more specific questions that concern the professional life of the PhD student.

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After the workshop “Bad” Mothers

A quick recap after MotherNet workshop “Bad” Mothers in Uppsala!

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Lapkričio 29-gruodžio 2 dienomis kviečiame dalyvauti Jenny Björklund paskaitų ir seminarų cikle motinystės ir lyties tyrimų tematika!

Maloniai kviečiame dalyvauti Jenny Björklund paskaitų ir seminarų cikle motinystės ir lyties tyrimų tematika! Renginiai vyks Vilniaus universiteto Filologijos fakultete.

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On November 29th-December 2nd MotherNet invites you to the cycle of lectures and seminars on Motherhood and Gender by Prof Jenny Björklund!

We are cordially inviting you to a cycle of lectures and seminars on Motherhood and Gender by Prof Jenny Björklund! Events will take place at the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University.

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Šeštoji MotherNet tinklalaidė

Kviečiame klausytis šeštosios MotherNet tinklalaidės, kurioje diskutuojame apie gailėjimąsi tapus motina (angl. Regretting Motherhood)!

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New MotherNet Newsletter is ready!

Find out more about MotherNet activities and news on our latest Newsletter!

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Penktoji MotherNet tinklalaidė

Kviečiame klausytis penktosios MotherNet tinklalaidės, kurioje diskutuojame apie Rusijos motinas ir karą Ukrainoje!

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Ketvirtoji MotherNet tinklalaidė

Kviečiame klausytis ketvirtosios MotherNet tinklalaidės, kurioje savo tyrimą pristato Filosofijos fakulteto mokslininkės doc. dr. Violeta Gevorgianienė ir doc. dr. Donata Petružytė.

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