Lectures and Seminars on Motherhood and Teaching of French Literature/Culture on October 18-20

Dr. Julie Rodgers and Dr. Loïc Bourdeau (Maynooth University) have been awarded the Vilnius University Teaching and Learning Internationalisation Initiatives funding for the initiative 2023-2024. As part of this, they will deliver a series of lectures and workshops.

Join the lectures and workshops:

Wednesday October 18 3pm – 4:30PM SHM (Domus)  Julie RodgersLecture on Leïla Slimani „Chanson douce“ in French To 4th year  students of French Philology  
Santariškių klinikosLoïc Bourdeau  Narrative Medicine  Workshop to resident doctors of gynecology/obstetrics.  
Thursday October 19 17 PM Kazimieras Būga Room  Julie Rodgers Loïc Bourdeau      Public talk in English Changing and Challenging Motherhoods in Quebec
October 20 1-2:30 PM ISC (Italų studijų centras) aud. (Domus)    Loïc BourdeauLecture on Diversity on Netflix in France in French. To 2nd-3rd  year students of French Philology  
2 :30 – 5 :30 PM Room 121 (Domus)  Julie Rodgers Loïc Bourdeau  Round table with Laurence Paré to Universitz Teacher of French Language and Culture. Moderator Vitalija Kazlauskienė.   Teaching French (language, literature, culture) to beginners at university level – methods, practices, teaching resources.

Read more about the speakers

Dr. Julie Rodgers and dr. Loïc Bourdeau is a part of the project “Developing a New Network of Researchers on Contemporary European Motherhood (MotherNet)”. This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 952366.